An American company called Colossal (who are also trying to bring back the Woolly mammoth and Dodo from extinction) have teamed up with Australian scientists from the University of Melbourne to try to find a way to bring the Tasmanian tiger back. Their goal is to develop an animal that is as close to the Tasmanian tiger as possible, by using DNA and gene-editing techniques. In a thrilling discovery, the scientists had found part of a Tasmanian tiger, which had been preserved for around 108 years, in a museum. From this they were able to take a very high-quality sample of the animal’s DNA and RNA molecules.
These samples are only missing around 45 pieces of information, out of around three billion pieces in total – giving them a far more complete ‘blueprint’ to help make the Tasmanian Tiger. The scientists will then use gene-editing techniques, to take the cells of animals that exist today who have very similar DNA to the Tasmanian tiger, to fill in the missing information gaps. They say the process could take around three to five years. They also know that the new creature would not be 100% a Tasmanian tiger, but would be “more than 99.9% accurate”.
What was the Tasmanian Tiger?
Tasmanian Tiger or Thylacine was a wolf-like carnivorous marsupi al. It was about the size of a large dog, who once used to roam the forests of Australia, New Guinea, and Tasmania. The last known Tasmanian tiger died in Hobart zoo in 1936, with the rest of the species hunted to extinction.
Do you think it is a good idea to bring back animals from extinction? Can you think of some ways in when such experiments could impact the world? __________________________