According to recent research published in Earth and Planetary Science Letters, approximately 466 million years ago Earth may have had rings like Saturn. Experts believe that the ring of debris developed after a near collision with a large asteroid. The researchers also believe that the ring system may have influenced Earth’s climate by casting a shadow and blocking sunlight. A team of scientists at Monash University, Australia, studied 21 big asteroid impact craters on Earth and they noticed a pattern.
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The team mapped out where all these craters would have been when they first formed. They noticed that they were all very close to the equator – within 30 degrees of it – not randomly scattered across the planet as one might expect.
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Experts say that this pattern could be explained by a ring system. They suggest that a large asteroid had a close encounter with Earth, which resulted in it breaking up around our planet, forming a debris ring – similar to the rings seen around planets like Saturn.
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