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Category: Animals

Rare Caribbean Wildlife Species Saved From Extinction

The Caribbean islands are home to thousands of rare animals. These animals have suffered the highest extinction rates in modern history.. However, conservationists that have been working to protect nature and animals in the Caribbean for over 30 years have now restored their thirtieth island, helping to save over 12 more species.

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The following are some of the animals they’re helping to survive:

Antiguan Racers

The Antiguan racers, once known as the world’s rarest snake, are harmless and incredibly slow moving. In 1995 it was thought that there were just 50 of them left, all on one small island. Now there are over 1,000 living on four islands. Experts say it can be difficult to protect snakes because they aren’t always the most popular animal.

White Clay Rock Iguana

Thirty years ago, white cay rock iguana were on the brink of extinction, with fewer than 150 living on a small island in the Bahamas. However, today there are at least 2,000 white cay rock iguana. Removing certain animals like non-native raccoons and rats, from the area helped protect the species. Even the protection provided by law to this endangered species, greatly helped.

Sombrero Ground Lizard

Sombrero ground lizards live on Sombrero Island off the coast of Anguilla. This island has been impacted by deforestation and severe hurricanes. The number of lizards fell to less than 100. However, through techniques like removing invasive species, the lizard’s population has more than tripled since 2021.

Saint Lucia Whiptail Lizard

There are 2,000 species of lizards native to the island Saint Lucia Saint Lucia whiptail lizard is a lizard with a population of less than 1,000, Conservationists have applied various conservation techniques, including making areas free of predators to improve their status.

Watch Full Video On, Fun Facts About Penguins

Three New Extinct Kangaroo Species Named 

Scientists from Flinders University, based in Adelaide, believe that they have discovered three new species of kangaroos that lived millions of years ago. This finding is based on the discovery of several nearly complete kangaroo fossil skeletons in Lake Callabonna in southern Australia.

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They even found that one of the species was double the size of the biggest kangaroos alive today, and twice the size of a human! The three new species belong to the extinct Pro- temnodon-giant kangaroo and are known as Protemnodon viator, Protemnodon mamkurraand, and the Protemnodon dawsonae. The Protemnodon viator weighed up to 170 kg, double the weight of the heaviest present day red males. They are believed to have lived around five million to 40,000 years ago.

Watch Full Video On, #AnimalKingdom: Cheetah- The Fastest Mammal on Land

Mining Poses Great Threat For Apes 

Mining for critical minerals in Africa is threatening the survival of great apes in Africa. The rising demand for minerals and other rare earth elements required for the transition to clean energy has led to a significant increase in mining in Africa. This is threatening the native animals with pollution, habitat destruction, and risk of meeting with an accident.

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Researchers looked at mining sites in 17 African nations and discovered that there was a significant overlap of mining with areas that have large populations of great apes, especially in the West African countries of Liberia, Sierra Leone, Mali, and Guinea. Guinea had the most significant overlap with more than 23,000-up to 83% of the ape population-directly or indirectly affected by mining activities. Researchers also found that the threat of mining to great apes in Africa has been greatly underestimated. In fact, more than one-third of the entire population (nearly 180,000 gorillas, bonobos, and chimpanzees) is at risk.

Watch Full Video On, Interesting Facts About Penguins

Reliance Foundation Rescues Thousands Of Animals : Vantara

Vantara programme, conceptualised by Anant Ambani. This initiative is first of its kind in India and aims to rescue, care for, treat and rehabilitate injured, abused, and threatened animals in India and abroad. The Vantara facility is spread over 3,000 acres and is located within Reliance’s Jamnagar Refinery complex, Gujarat. Vantara aims to lead conservation efforts in a forest-like environment that has been created for rescued animals. 

Also read, One In Five Migratory Species Are Threatened With Extinction

More than 200 elephants and other animals like reptiles and birds have been rescued and are a part of this facility. Animals like rhinos, leopards, and crocodiles have also been rehabilitated. The Vanatara facility also includes a conservation centre with modern medical facilities like state-of-the-art healthcare and hospitals. Recently, Vantara has also taken part in foreign rescue missions in countries like Mexico, Venezuela etc. Reliance Industries. Limited is a large private sector corporation in India.

Watch full video on, #AnimalKingdom: Cheetah- The Fastest Mammal on Land

Interesting Facts About Lions

Lions are the only big cats that live in social groups known as prides. A pride typically consists of related females, their cubs, and a few adult males. There are two recognised lion subspecies of lion found in the wild. The African lion (Panthera leo leo) is found in Africa, south of the Sahara desert. The Asiatic lion (Panthera leo persica) exists in one small population around Gir Forest National Park in western India.

Also Read about, Interesting Facts About Tiger, The Largest Wild Cat

Interesting Facts About the Lion

Lions live in grasslands and savannas, not dense forests. 

Male lions can weigh up to 190kg and females weigh 126kg. 

Lions mostly hunt at night as their eyes have adapted to the dark and this gives them a huge advantage over their prey. 

Male lions are distinguishable by their impressive manes, which serves as a visual indicator of their health and dominance. The darker and fuller the mane, the more attractive they are to potential mates.

Female lions are the primary hunters in the pride. They work together to coordinate and execute hunting strategies, making them highly effective predators.

Lions are known to be quite lazy and sleep for an average of 16 to 20 hours a day, conserving energy for hunting during the cooler hours of the day.

Lions are incredibly fast runners. They can reach a speed of up to 80 km/h for short distances. 

Lions are very vocal creatures and communicate through various sounds, including roars, grunts, growls, and meows. Roaring is a distinct feature of male lions, which can be heard up to 8 km away.

Lion cubs are blind at the time of their birth. They rely on their mothers for protection and nourishment. They are usually hidden in dense vegetation for the first few weeks of their lives.

Lions are highly territorial animals, and prides fiercely defend their territories from other prides or intruders. Males from outside prides may challenge the resident males for control of the pride.

Conservation Status: Lions are considered vulnerable and face threats such as habitat loss, human-wildlife conflict, and poaching. Conservation efforts are essential to protect these magnificent creatures.

Watch full video on, Tiger Is The Largest Wild Cat In The World

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