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Tag: Guinness World Record

Ballerinas Create World Record Standing “En Pointe”

A group of 353 ballerinas, all aged 9-19 years old, has broken the Guinness World Record for the largest assembly of dancers ‘en pointe’ within a minute. The ballerinas gathered at New York City’s Plaza Hotel to create this re- cord. The dancers beat the previous record of 306 ballerinas ‘en pointe, set in 2019.

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Word Check

En Pointe is a ballet position in which the dancer’s body is balanced on the extreme tip of the toes.

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Ayodhya Creates a New Guinness World record owned

On the eve of Diwali, Ayodhya celebrated Deepotsav by illuminating 22.23 lakh divas across 51 ghats on the banks of Saryu River to create a new Guinness World Record.

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The record is for lighting up the highest number of lamps in a single place globally. The 22.23 lakh diyas, 6.47 lakh more than last year, were lit by 25,000 volunteers at the ghats. The representatives of the Guinness Book of World Records counted the lamps using drones. The Deepotsav tradition started in Ayod-hya in 2017, when 51,000 diyas were lit. Each successive year the number has only increased.

Did You Know?

In 2022, Ayodhya had set the Guinness World Record record by illuminating 15,76,955 diyas during Deepostav.

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