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Tag: Unique Dussehra traditions

Unique Dussehra Celebrations In India

Dussehra is celebrated throughout India with different rituals and activities. The Dussehra festivities involve lights, decorations, food, and colourful clothes. However, the celebrations vary across the different regions of the country.

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Kullu, Himachal Pradesh

The Kullu Dussehra, which is well-known all over the world, is held in the Kullu Valley of Himachal Pradesh. Around 200 local deities from nearby villages are brought to participate in a religious procession. Another unique aspect is that these celebrations in Kullu begin on Vijayadashami, the day when Dussehra festivities end in India. Further, on the last day of the celebration, a pile of thorn bushes is burnt to depict the burning of Lanka.

Kolkata, West Bengal

The Bengali community celebrates Dussehra with Durga Puja, which transforms entire state into a dynamic and lively hub of culture. Vijayadashami is celebrated on the tenth day of the famous Durga Puja. On this day, married women offer vermilion and sweets to the goddess. They also put vermilion on each other’s cheeks. At night, the idols of the goddess are taken to nearby rivers or water bodies to be immersed.

Bastar, Chhattisgarh

Dussehra is devoted to tribal deities and has nothing to do with the defeat of Ravana. The festival is celebrated for 75 days and is believed to be the longest festival in the world. The festival is held in honour of Goddess Danteshwari (the guardian deity of the tribal belt of Bastar in Chhattisgarh) other divinities. There are many rituals associated with this festival, including chariot processions, the tribal chieftains’ conference, and the thanks. of Lanka.

Mysore, Karnataka

The Mysore Dasara has been celebrated for more than 400 years. The Mysore Palace is decorated magnificently and there are many cultural performances that take place during the Dussehra festivities. A procession with 12 trained elephants adorned with colourful attire are taken around the streets. One of them carries the idol of the Goddess Chamundeshwar atop a golden mandap. The  procession starts from the mysore palace to Bannimantap.

Almora, Uttarakhand

Almora celebrates Dussehra with a parade of demons. The mountain streets of this small town in Uttarakhand are filled with various villains from The Ramayana. They’re made by local people and are paraded across the town before burning them. A total of 33 effigies of Ravana’s family members are burned to celebrate Dussehra.

Kulasekarapattinam, Tamil Nadu

The Dussehra celebrations at a 300-year-old temple of Goddess Kali, in the village Kulasekarapattinam are very unique. People are required to dress up as gods and goddesses. The people dance holding flaming clay pots throughout the night and end the festival with an enactment of slaying of Mahishasura on the beach.

Did You Know?

Ravana is a symbol of evil for most people across India. However, in Mandore, Rajasthan, people celebrate him as a deity. It is believed that Ravana’s wife Mandodari is from this town. While people remember Ravana for his evil deeds, here he is celebrated for his genius achievements in the field of astrology and ayurveda.

There are some temples in Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, and Andra Pradesh that worship Ravana as a deity.

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Fun Facts About Dussehra

1. Dussehra comes from the Sanskrit word Dash Hara, which means “the defeat of the Sun” in English. Vijayadashami, means victory on the tenth day.

2. Dussehra is celebrated in Ashwin, the 10th month of the Hindu Calendar. It falls sometime around October or November.

3. Dussehra marks the end of the summer season and the start of the winter season.

4. Dussehra marks the harvesting of Kharif Crops and sowing of Rabi crops. It’s an important occasion for farmers of all beliefs.

5. Dussehra also marks the homecoming of Pandavas from their exile of 13 years. When the Pandavas had lost their kingdom, they were in exile for 12 years. It was said that if they were discovered in the 13th year, they would have to start their exile all over again. So, on the commencement of the final year, they hid all their weapons inside the hole of a Shami Tree. After the end of the 13th year on the sacred day of Vijaydashmi, they retrieved their weapons to worship them along with the tree. Thus, the Shami Tree is considered to be a symbol of goodwill.

6. In Kerala, Dussehra is considered an auspicious day for introducing children to the world of letters. Children between three and five years of age are initiated into learning by making them write a mantra on a tray of rice grains. After the ceremony, study materials such as slates and pencils are distributed by those children. The ceremony is called Ezhuthiniruthu in Malayalam.

7. In northern India, barley seeds are sown on the first day of Navaratri. These sprouts are used and considered a good omen for good fortune and wealth on the day of Dussehra.

8. According to a popular legend, Goddess Durga, along with her children, Lakshmi, Ganesha, Kartik, and Saraswati came to her birth place on Earth to stay for some time. On the day of Dussehra, she returned to her husband Lord Shiva.

9. Dussehra is also believed to be the day when Emperor Asoka had converted to Buddhism.

10. The burning effigies signify the killing of all evils of the soul, which are represented by the ten heads of Ravana.

Also Read, Dussehra : A Celebration Of Victory!

Word Check

Kharif crops are typically sown at the beginning of the first monsoon rains and are usually harvested between October and November. Examples are rice, cotton and maize.

Rabi crops are harvested in the spring season while it is sown in winter. Examples are wheat, gram, and barley.

Mahabharata is a major Hindu Mythological epic. This great epic narrates the great war between the Kauravas and Pandavas. The Pandavas were the five brothers Yudhishtira, Bhima, Arjuna, Nakula, and Sahadeva, who are the main characters of the Hindu epic Mahabharata.

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